These pictures are of 2 rocky out crops on the track, they have been ridden both ways so are deemed to be finished. As you can see by the before and after photos a lot of earth and rock has been moved to make them just right. These two sections were like big jigsaws puzzle to design, trying to fit in the nice natural rock features and make it tricky at the same time.
Veeeeerrry cool guys. Mmmmm Rock obstacles. i happen to very fond of rocks. Murray & Johnathon, im keen as to come over and check it out!! Murray i was telling a dude about you on Saturday gone on a ride up to the Browning hut - you being the dude who can ride all the way up to the hut. (legend status) Nice work fellas
I'm not sure having Murray test these is a great idea. After all, he is the one who rode up over the rock to the right of the gate at the bottom of Varley's!!!! Legend just about sums it up ;)
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